Témoignage de Michaël sur le groupe de soutien des familles anglophones : We are not alone
The Anglophone Group,
You are not alone.
I have been asked and agreed to express just what The Anglophone Group means to me and how I benefit from it.
To understand it’s value you first need to know why it was brought into existence.
Many people are caring for their sick loved ones at home to try and make life as comfortable, rich and rewarding as possible despite crippling illnesses such as Cancer, Alzheimer’s etc, etc, etc. There are numerous illnesses that all have the same basic need for home care from another family member.
The Anglophone Group provides a support network for French and English speaking carers to discuss the likely path the illnesses will take. It also provides important information to help the carer cope with developments as they occur. Knowing in advance through collective discussions other peoples experiences prepares you for the new situations that occur in your own situation.
The Group also has an additional benefit by having experienced Doctors and experts attending the sessions and giving an insight into how the decease will progress. They also provide knowledge, information and support when dealing with Social Services. This is particularly important for people whose knowledge of the French language is poor.
Finally and perhaps just as important as any of the items mentioned above is the collective support of other people who are coping with the same situations as yourself. The phrase “You are not alone” is often mentioned in meetings and it is probably the most important phrase used.
Our monthly meetings are vital to me as they provide me with a great deal of hope and optimism for an uncertain future. Life for a carer is incredibly hard, without the Anglophone Group life could become intolerable.
Yes, it really does mean that much to me.
M L Cole,
The Anglophone Group.
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J’ai beaucoup aimé votre article. Merci